Forgive me if this has already been asked and answered. I’m new to Fedora and trying to find my way around. I have used Linux in the past (1.3 Kernel up to 2.6). My past is software and hardware design but now I’m retired.
Now the question part:
I have a system based on an AMD processor that has Windows 11 (home) installed. I turned off secure boot and also installed Fedora (Fedora-KDE-Live-x86_64-40-1.14)
I can boot either system (Windows or Fedora).
The problem I have is with the graphics. I have a Gigabyte Geforce RTX3050 graphics card installed with 2 monitors. Both monitors are Samsung UHD Smart Monitors. When I log in to the computer, there are long delays when I do anything with the mouse or keyboard but the system essentially functions (just irritatingly slow). I know that I should use a better driver. I’m just not sure what would be the best driver to use. By the way, the Ryzen processor has a graphics port on the processor but I do not use it.
The motherboard is Asus ROG Strix X670E-E. Processor is AMD Ryzen 9 7900X 12-Core.
If anyone could point me to the proper driver and installation instruction, I would be thankful
When you first booted after installing fedora you should have been asked to enable the 3rd party repos. Was that done?
YOu can tell the result with dnf repolist which should show the rpmfusion-nonfree-nvidia-driver repo.
If that repo is enabled then installing the driver is as simple as following the instructions at
Install the drivers with the commands given, wait at least 5 minutes, then reboot.
If you wish to use secure boot then the HowTo also has a section with instructions for secure boot.
The dnf didn’t happen.
I tried the system again today and was expecting the same result. Everything worked well until I tried Firefox. Then thing slowed to a crawl. By that I mean 10 to 15 seconds before the mouse pointer moved.
I uninstalled Firefox and went to Mozilla to download the latest version, installed it and now everything is fine. Firefox no longer interferes with the graphics performance. I have no idea what was wrong with Firefox. After the installation of Fedora, it did a bunch of updates and this morning a few more updates but those didn’t fix things (I guess Firefox wasn’t affected).
I’ll note everything you told me and try this later. I think the driver you mention might be better. I vaguely remember the driver on my system says Wayland.
For now though I’m just getting out of the Windows mindset and back to Linux. (The first real OS I ever worked with was BSD Unix on a Digital Equipment Vax 11/780). It feels like coming home after a long absence.
Thanks for your reply. I think I really need to look into the rpmfusion thing and understand it.
What do you mean?
The repo did not show in the list?
The command did not work?
If the repo did not show you can bypass it that limited one by following the instructions at
and enable both the free and nonfree repos to have access to most of the software on the rpmfusion site.
I’m not really sure just what happened. Inexperience with this distro I guess. Anyway, I got the system working well.
Now I’m looking into getting and NTFS volume from Win 11 working properly. It mount and I can see the main folders but no files. I have OneDrive account that backs up everything on my 3 computers so I think there might be something funky going on with that.
I also spent some time getting a CD/DVD writer on a USB port working. That was a bit of a challenge but it works with K3B now. Getting to read was easy. The hard part was getting to write.
I’m going to look into the Nvidia drivers a bit more. Nvidia has a download available and there seems to be a bit of documentation there as well.
This post is beginning to look like a diary.
If I may, I also went through the Nvidia schlep, but I found out that doing the Nvidia install directly after a fresh OS install and the first full update then using 2 or 3 lines of code depending on your needs yeilds the best and easiest install.
It is actually childs play and I mean this in the litteral sense, all these YT how too’s have you going to level 5 and the likes to get the driver installed but, as I found out it is actually really really easy to do if it is done before any other software installs on a clean system.