Firstly, this is my third day trying to use fedora. A soul please show up and help me with that, I don’t want to go back to windows.
I installed fedora on a pen-drive(Kingston datatraveler USB 3.2 gen 1) using another pen-drive with live boot. For a couple of reasons I am not allowed to install on the computer at the present.
With my third try In installing nvidia drivers(gt 710), the system couldn’t boot up anymore so, I can’t get these infos on the terminal right now.
Let me start saying what I tried to do and what happened.
1° How to Install Nvidia Drivers on Fedora Linux
I followed this one if I remember right, and I got the message on boot “nvidia kernel module missing. Falling back to noveau”
As this obviously says that I’ve failed, using this message lead me to…
2°can’t find the specific topic where a guy helped but this is the thing I did to make it work
1- <Sudo dnf remove nvidia - -noautoremove - - exclude=nvidia-gpu-firmware>
2- <Sudo dnf install akmod-nvidia-470xx - - disablerepo rpmfusion-nonfree-nvidia-driver - - enablerepo rpmfusion-nonfree>
3- <“dnf list installed nvidia” after 5mins>
Which even made the boot change(3 squares loading instead of fedora loading together with motherboard), monitor off on and black screen with mouse as an X, like it is still loading, log in screen and then the same thing happened on the monitor to get on the workspace.
I tried a game before and after, was working fine before wine stopped working. And I noticed that the font was glitched, disappeared until I interacted with it in some when(when possible) so it was getting a bothersome to read. And this was affecting some programs too, modrinth for example to test a small game, was completely blank on it, impossible to do anything.
3° I tried on the “normal” way through the nvidia website with this video
(Fedora 40/39/38 NVIDIA Drivers Install Guide [550.78 / 535.171.04 / 470.239.06 / 390.157 / 340.108] :: If Not True Then False)
I could make everything until the step “2.6.5”, that one doesn’t seemed to work but I followed anyways. (I don’t even know what exactly this do)
Following the video, I did the same thing on it but everything failed “2.9.3 2.9.4” as the installation itself.
<systemctl set-default> didn’t worked, so I used the graphical instead… And I couldn’t boot up anymore.