I just installed Fedora 35 in dual boot with my already installed Windows 10, but it happens that when I boot up my computer it immediately starts Windows and no grub is shown. I also tried to boot from the boot selector from the bios itself, but no drive other than Windows is shown here.
Adding to @computersavvy Can show us the bios images
Open your bios and show us images of your boot splash screen and another is boot priority 1st boot option tap that and and show how many options there are.
Can you posting Boot priority in BIOS like see my SS below?, fastboot enabled is ok. I Installed fedora dual boot windows 10, grup installed in EFI windows partition. I installed fedora and windows in single harddrive.
As i can see you have not disabled fast boot see above. And select fedora and you can safely disable other boot options
And f10 enter see it shoud boot into grub and fedora.
And what is the new boot option there i can see can you send a screenshot of that after you have done all above that i told you do so.
Disabling fast boot does that.
And the topic title that you have written is wrong i am not changing it but remember windows never recognize anything even a older versionvof windows like if you have install windows 7 and windows 10 you will never be avail to boot into 7. So your fedora install will recognize your other os and add them to boot grub if you want to say that then let me know i will change it. Or you even can do it.