Not a huge deal, I mean its vanity, right?
My avatar, set at Libravatar, and showing up here on Discourse, does not show up on my page or on pages.
Also, my badge for changing my Libravatar did not show up - but it’s not like I’ll ever have a huge collection anyway
Is there any way to fix the first issue?
In accounts.fedoraproject you have to use your Id while changing your Avatar.
I do not remember if I had to select libravatar ore something else.
If you have it in accounts.fp.o it should appear on all services from the community.
Cheers, I’ve done that, and tried logging in with ‘theprogram’ which logs me in, and with ‘’ which logs me in, but pagure just won’t fetch my Libravatar. Even when I change my avatar from pagure settings.
Yes, and it works on Discourse (as you can see from my avatar here) just not in pagure or accounts.fp.o
I have tried all the link a couple of times so I think it is some kind of bug.
The only difference I can see between your instance of :: Login to yourivatar account and mine,
is that yours is using https:// and mine on only http://
Problem solved thanks to the same issue two years ago Fedora accounts ... libavatar - #6 by anon61925616
Fedora services that depend on Libravatar can get ids two ways. One, via and Two, via email address.
To get Libravatar working on Pagure and accounts, one needs to go to your :: Login to yourivatar account and ‘add a new email’ which will be the same as your email set under ‘settings’ at (for accounts) and at for Pajure.
Vanity be served.