My default layout(Danish) does not work when first starting up KDE Fedora 36


Hi, I have my login password set up in a different layout(Danish) and when booting up my PC on the Login screen no layout changer menu exists.

I have everything updated today using the latest packages and kernel. It did not work before updating and it does not work after the update either.

I can login with difficulty using the virtual keyboard, mapping the keys from my default layout.

Once logged in if I lock the screen then the layout changer menu/button does appear and I can log in just fine.

I tried to change layout when first booting up using the shortcut I set up but it does not work.

After just locking the screen the shortcut works perfectly fine.

Some bug seems to be there while first booting but not once I log in , after I log in if I lock the screen everything works fine and I can unlock it because Danish layout is used.

A warm welcome to #Fedora.

I hope I have understood you correctly.
You are missing the Danish layout in the login screen sddm?
If Danish is the correct assumption you can try that;

echo "setxkbmap da" | sudo tee -a /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup 

It is an old problem.
Either do this after logging into your desktop or log into a virtual terminal with Ctrl+Alt+F2.

By the way, I noticed that I can’t select other layouts in my lightdm for XFCE either. This should normally be the case since it works for me on another distribution without problems. let’s see if others have the same problem.

Hi, the language switcher is dependent on SDDM theme, so you can find one that supports it or look at this ArchWiki hint:
There’s some work going on for SDDM on Wayland keyboard layout selections don't work in SDDM with Wayland greeter · Issue #1528 · sddm/sddm · GitHub

the tip from me is from the :rofl:

Since you mentioned a bug for Wayland I would like to report that I don’t use a theme for LightDM under Xorg and XFCE and still have the problem. Under a current OpenSuse15.4 everything is fine with a similar configuration. Strange. :thinking:

There was no other answer when I started writing mine. The main takeaway is that ArchWiki rocks :sunglasses: As usual.

Since LightDM is a different project from SDDM, start separate issue and look at what out favourite wiki has to say about it :wink: With F37 in beta, it’s a good time for some testing (F37 i18n test day) and bug reporting, happy hunting!

But isn’t the issue I’ve described supposed to be fixed?
The link bellow suggest it’s fixed:

The normal way to set the keboard map for everything is by using the localectl command. For example to set German keyboard use

localectl set-keymap de

To set Danish keyboard use

localectl set-keymap dk

and to set US keyboard use

localectl set-keymap us

The setting takes effect after next reboot.
The desktop environmant and display manager may override this setting.

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The fix there was to revert F36’s sddm back to x11 version. It had to be done, because the underlining issue requires this new, not yet pushed, PR Support switching keyboard layouts on SDDM greeter when on Wayland (!2088) · Merge requests · Plasma / Plasma Workspace · GitLab
When this gets pushed and update lands in Fedora, you can switch SDDM to wayland with dnf swap sddm-x11 sddm-wayland-plasma.
X11 version should have the layout switcher, but I’m not seeing it too (apart from virtual keyboard)…
You may also try adding more layouts in Settings → keyboard → layouts and see if that brings up the switcher.

I’m very much a Linux beginner.
The biggest problem as a beginner is that for every problem I encounter that’s just a bit more complicated I always see people listing commands that are different from each other to solve the same problem.
a.Is this because you can do the same thing multiple ways?That’s pretty horrible from a beginner’s perspective.

b.Is it because most people do not understand how software components work together specifically in Fedora? 95% of the times for Fedora and for other distros I see just a lot of people pasting commands in forums and not offering any assurance that those commands are correct in that context.
The spirit most times is “trust me bro” or “try that maybe it works…maybe it doesn’t”…

1.So as a beginner what book or multiple books are absolutely crucial and gold standard that I need to read that can offer me a correct understanding of how commands work?

2.What commands are truly universal on all distros?

3.What commands work only for Fedora and nowhere else?

The correct sequencing of commands and all the parts of one command. There needs to be some consistent logic to this…I hope.

4.After that how can i understand the software components that together makes up what Fedora is today as a distro?
Also the commands that are up to date and consistent of how to work with these components.

I honestly want if possible to contribute in some why to the distro(Fedora) that I want to use as a daily driver. If i find issues that no one is interested in fixing then I want to be able to fix them and send those fixes so everyone benefits. Can you guys help me please?

I want to go from my current level where I just see random commands to a level where these commands make sense and I know how to judge if those commands are actually solving the problem I want to solve correctly and not just some hack-ish way that temporarily fixes something.
Of course me fixing things presumes I also learn bash or programming languages that are used for different components.

All the help and recommendations you guys can give me is very much appreciated. Thank you!

It can be all of the above. For forums like this and Stack Overflow you can tell if what is posted is based on real knowlege or on just guessing. Your systems comes with a lot of documentation in form of the socalled man pages. If you want to know everything about the ls command, run the command man ls. As for the quality of these man pages it varies. Then try it out: what does ls -s do, what does ls -1 do, and so on.

As for your keyboard issue, I am not sure what it is. Normally one would look at the keyboard and determine what layout it has. Then during initial installation, that is the layout you specify and it is never changed again. localectl can change that initial choice. See 'man localectl` for more information.

Why did you use “echo” before " " localectl set-keymap dk"?
On archiwiki there is no mention of any “echo”.

That was a mistake. Run localectl set-keymap dk.

Worked for me. I set up Nobara using a UK keyboard initially. A few weeks later I changed to a US layout keyboard. I updated my keyboard language in System Settings but the login screen was still using UK keyboard. Using localectl set-keymap us fixed the problem. Login and desktop now both using US keyboard.

Note that you replied on a thread that has been necro for 2.5 years.
Thank you for the input but I am closing this thread.