Mouse cursor movement choppy and/or sluggish

Using Fedora 40 workstation. I updated, via dnf system upgrade, about 3 days ago. I am experiencing problems with the mouse. These problems are periodic, not constant. They include sluggish and/or choppy response and movement of cursor. As noted this is not full time but I sense that the more time since boot, the more frequent the disruptions.

The mouse is a Logitech MX Master 3S using a Bolt Receiver and Solaar. Under F39 this combination worked well.

I note that I see this from fwupd:

Apr 07 07:08:32 pico fwupd[97440]: 14:08:32.714 FuPluginLogitechHidpp failed to ping MX Master 3S: connection request failed
Apr 07 07:08:36 pico fwupd[97440]: 14:08:36.716 FuPluginLogitechHidpp failed to get pending read: connection request failed
Apr 07 07:09:02 pico fwupd[97440]: 14:09:02.714 FuPluginLogitechHidpp failed to ping MX Master 3S: connection request failed
Apr 07 07:09:06 pico fwupd[97440]: 14:09:06.716 FuPluginLogitechHidpp failed to get pending read: connection request failed

These fwupd may or may not be related as I can disable fwupd daemon and still get the sluggish or choppy curson responses to movements.

The workstation is current on dnf updates.

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I have the same issues albeit intermittent. When first starting my desktop its absolutely fine then all of a sudden it starts. If I reboot the problem dissapears. This on Fedora 39 using the same mouse model and receiver.

You may be missing updates from hardware vendors. Normally sudo fwupdtool --get-updates will tell you what is available, but not all vendors participate.

Yeah, I’m pretty much on top of fw updates there’s nothing available.

This issue has been a bit irritating since it comes and goes.

I have reduced the Sensitivity setting in Solaar from 1000 (default I think) to 850. Since making that change this problem has been much less noticeable. But I have only had one day or so with this change.

Like @smittix I periodically check fwupdtool so am current as far as fwupd is concerned.

I know this is a strange ask, but Do you experience Framerate issues anywhere else ? For example, Having multiple terminals running and a Browser playing videos, then experience this stuttering/choppyness ? Is the device Bluetooth ?

What GPU are you using?

I have not noticed any framerate issues elsewhere. I typically have a number of firefox windows open, often several tabs each. And open in several different terminals. The mouse (logitech mx master 3s) is using a logitech bolt receiver which is more or less bluetooth with logitech extensions.

I am using the rpmfusion nvidia rpms.

System Details Report

Report details

  • Date generated: 2024-04-10 07:34:36

Hardware Information:

  • Hardware Model: ASUS PRIME B550-PLUS
  • Memory: 32.0 GiB
  • Processor: AMD Ryzen™ 9 5900X Ă— 24
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
  • Disk Capacity: 5.5 TB

Software Information:

  • Firmware Version: 3404
  • OS Name: Fedora Linux 40 (Workstation Edition)
  • OS Build: (null)
  • OS Type: 64-bit
  • GNOME Version: 46
  • Windowing System: Wayland
  • Kernel Version: Linux 6.8.4-300.fc40.x86_64
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There is a recent fwupd issue reported for Fedora 39.

Does this old fwup Issue 1951 seem relevant – maybe a regression. Note the times the issue occurs and use journalctl to look for messages correlated with the issue.

Do you see messages similar to

fwupd[...]: ... FuPluginLogitechHidpp failed to ping MX Master 3S: connection request failed
fwupd[...]: ... FuPluginLogitechHidpp failed to get pending read: connection request failed

Yes. :slight_smile: Please see my first post. I do have similar messages in journactl.

Thanks for the information.

Hi. I solved this problem today by forcing wayland to use Nvidia gpu.

sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/61-mutter-primary-gpu.rules

ENV{DEVNAME}==“/dev/dri/cardX”, TAG+=“mutter-device-preferred-primary”

Just change cardX to your nvidia card. In my case, it was card1.

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You are a hero sir. Was struggling with this problem for months now and you solved it!