Constant stutter and mouse lag in F41 w/ NVIDIA RTX 4060 Ti

Hello there!

I tried to figure out what may be the root cause, but since similiar forum posts, even outside the Fedora Discussions, vary in the source of it, i thought i may try it here.

When using Fedora 41 Workstation, i encounter stutters while my mouse - a wireless Logitech G502 X Lightspeed - also stutters, which is pretty annoying. I don’t really know what may be the root cause of it, either my mouse being wireless or NVIDIA GPU on a Wayland-only Linux distro or even Mutter, but maybe someone can help me identifying the issue?
If you need any information, please let me know how to get them to post them in an answer.

Kind regards,

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You could see in journalctl -f -p err and look for errors

Is it lagging all the time? Or only sometimes?

Hello there and sorry for the late reply.

To the errors in journalctl:

Feb 05 09:45:14 Pandoroo-FedoraWS systemd-udevd[886]: /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/75-davincipanel.rules:2 Unknown group 'resolve', ignoring.
Feb 05 09:45:15 Pandoroo-FedoraWS kernel: 
Feb 05 09:45:16 Pandoroo-FedoraWS /usr/bin/nvidia-powerd[1190]: Found unsupported configuration. Exiting...
Feb 05 09:46:36 Pandoroo-FedoraWS gdm-password][2268]: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file
Feb 05 09:46:36 Pandoroo-FedoraWS systemd[2283]: Failed to start app-gnome-gnome\x2dkeyring\x2dpkcs11-2523.scope - Application launched by gnome-session-binary.
Feb 05 09:46:36 Pandoroo-FedoraWS systemd[2283]: Failed to start app-gnome-gnome\x2dkeyring\x2dsecrets-2527.scope - Application launched by gnome-session-binary.
Feb 05 09:46:36 Pandoroo-FedoraWS systemd[2283]: Failed to start app-gnome-gnome\x2dkeyring\x2dssh-2535.scope - Application launched by gnome-session-binary.
Feb 05 09:47:11 Pandoroo-FedoraWS (dnf)[5645]: run-u198.service: Failed to execute /usr/bin/dnf: Permission denied
Feb 05 09:47:11 Pandoroo-FedoraWS (dnf)[5645]: run-u198.service: Failed at step EXEC spawning /usr/bin/dnf: Permission denied
Feb 05 09:47:11 Pandoroo-FedoraWS systemd[1]: Failed to start run-u198.service - /usr/bin/dnf upgrade.

To how often it lags: Only sometimes, also seemingly inconsistent so i can’t really figure out if maybe a game or a GPU-heavy application is causing this.

Kind regards!

I think it’s just Wayland; my cursor lags occasionally on F41/GNOME 47 usually a few secs after log-in and sometimes when on or hovering over Firefox.

If you install these packages, you can select GNOME on Xorg at log-in Gear and see if it’s different:

sudo dnf install gnome-session-xsession xorg-x11-drivers setxkbmap xhost xmodmap xorg-x11-xauth xorg-x11-xinit xrdb