Microsoft’s path to 1M Qubit Quantum Chip: Small Breakthrough, Big Implications

Okay, so Microsoft just announced a quantum chip with one million qubits. Let me repeat that: a million. My brain’s still stuck on how my laptop struggles with small games (btw got a new laptop), and now this? Wild.

For context: today’s “advanced” quantum computers have, like, a few hundred qubits. Some are like googles willow. And maybe IBM have a 1000+ Qubit system but extremely error prone and This used to be stupidly fragile.
Microsoft claims they’ve cracked it using “topological qubits” (fancy term for braided particles that don’t freak out as easily) and better error handling.

What’s the big deal? This could actually simulate molecules for new meds, fix climate models, or… uh, maybe break your WiFi password? Maybe AES256 OR AES128?
Answer: no not yet but also yes
This will stay safe atleast for aes256. But we are getting there for AES128.

Things i am looking into better ai research maybe a path to agi or asi. LLM + QC = future
Also newer chemistry molecule metrial research battery and newer drugs for Cancer and others. and correctly understand the 3D structure of verious proteins maybe design new protein and also discovering unknown facts of universe.

Some references



So, Lets start some real talk

No it did not. It announced a 8 qubit chip.
And the claims of how it works are disputed.

What they went on to say was that IF this tech works it MIGHT scale.