Make guides and howtos more visible?

Quick Docs :thinking:

The issue with the Quick Docs becomes maintenance and expectations.

Maintenance, because we have Quick Docs that are now out of scope with current releases.
Expectations, because the trend of the Quick Docs has changed and for many Quick Docs has become small historical post on a topic.

A Quick Doc should be a How-To, a way to quickly get answers to simple questions. Most of the Quick Docs belong in proper Fedora Documentation while other are lacking in updates or are no longer relevant due to the update process.

I have been attempting to get traction on this for about a month, but I think there needs to be some activity behind the curtain. My goal is to get these Quick Docs translated as well ! but looking through them, they need to be updated, and realigned with other Documentation before translating them.

I think the Docs need more community involvement, more active contributors.

This is part of my Request for TL4 Post.

This is a reason why I have not launched some of the Docs I have written ( in 3 languages. . . ) already. Because we have the solution. Just the other day I used my personal Docs here on the forum to troubleshoot an issue with a non English speaker :

This should be a Quick Doc on the Fedora Docs page :smile: but the English version would not be compatible, as it is overwhelming for a Layman/New User (or new user looking for a quick solution) which can be tense moments.