LibreOffice UI layout changed

That’s fine. The tree command output gives us some ideas.

I don’t see a yaru-stuff package in the repos. I see gnome-shell-theme-yaru on my F35. Maybe it was renamed. Did you install it from the Fedora repos?

$ sudo dnf list *yaru*
Last metadata expiration check: 1:24:12 ago on Tue 28 Sep 2021 08:09:01 BST.
Available Packages
gnome-shell-theme-yaru.noarch                                                 21.04.1-3.fc35                                                fedora
yaru-gtk2-theme.noarch                                                        21.04.1-3.fc35                                                fedora
yaru-gtk3-theme.noarch                                                        21.04.1-3.fc35                                                fedora
yaru-gtk4-theme.noarch                                                        21.04.1-3.fc35                                                fedora
yaru-gtksourceview-theme.noarch                                               21.04.1-3.fc35                                                fedora
yaru-icon-theme.noarch                                                        21.04.1-3.fc35                                                fedora
yaru-sound-theme.noarch                                                       21.04.1-3.fc35                                                fedora

But the thing you’ll notice is that there are multiple themes installed on your system, and they’re installed as system-wide themes. The gnome-shell extension for yaru, also becomes a system-wide extension when installed like this. So, my thinking is that the libreoffice is using one of these themes rather than the default Adwaita, and that’s why it looks different even in a new user.

Can you check what yaru and other theme packages you have installed, and what extensions as system wide extensions too?

rpm -qa \*yaru\* \*theme\* \*gnome-shell-extension\*

and then, in your new user, can you check what extensions are enabled when you log in already (the system wide extensions may be enabled by default)—in the extensions app?

I don’t see a yaru-stuff package in the repos.

lol. I was referring to all yaru items as stuff(s).

pranav@fedora ~> dnf repoquery --installed | grep -i yaru

So, my thinking is that the libreoffice is using one of these themes rather than the default Adwaita, and that’s why it looks different even for a new user.

no, NO, NOPE. The new user takes Adwaita (default) theme. Otherwise, LO theme and all other application icons in ankur would have changed, they didn’t. Everything that I see in ankur has looks stock/vanilla layout.

then, in your new user, can you check what extensions are enabled

backgrounud logo extension (which comes preinstalled) is enabled.

Can you check what yaru and other theme packages you have installed, and what extensions as system wide extensions too?

pranav@fedora ~> rpm -qa \*yaru\* \*theme\* \*gnome-shell-extension\*

I think this a better way to catch all themes:

pranav@fedora ~> dnf repoquery --installed | grep -i theme

I can uninstall any themes you want if necessary. Just name it. Let see.

Well apart from LO, right? It doesn’t look stock/vanilla—so what theme is it using? What does “Tools > Options > view” show for the icon theme? This is what I see:

Apart from that, I’m out of ideas. Sorry. A new user seeing a modified UI means something system wide is at work. If it isn’t one of the themes, then I don’t know what it is.

A simple check is to remove all the extra themes and just get your system back to default.

As commented here in AskLibreOffice by Ajlitoz:

You have a discrepancy between the desktop widget library and LO management: LO uses default X11 driver probably because you didn’t install the adequate widget driver (though it should be done by the package manager, but you have tampered with the installation process in some unexpected way).
To fix install package libreoffice-gtk3 .
LO should then auto-switch to GTK+. If doesn’t do so, uninstall package libreoffice-x11 , but having both packages present is harmless as long as the correct driver is active.

The problem is fixed. Everything looks back to normal.

1 last question before closing this topic:

When I (re)install the LibreOffice, shouldn’t libreoffice-gtk3 package should be installed as a dependent package by the DNF?! Isn’t it’s weird? Can I blame dnf for being …?

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It looks like libreoffice-gtk3 is only a weak dependency, was this installed without weak dependencies dnf --setopt=install_weak_deps=False or are they disabled in dnf.conf?

May want to look at filing a bug


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Ah, something to remember next time—match the package lists exactly. Not sure why it isn’t on your system though—I haven’t installed it manually (but then I haven’t done a fresh install in ages).

I don’t think so. It just reinstalls the packages on the transaction list. It don’t think it’ll include new deps there (that may surprise people who want to reinstall packages)

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After watching "5 Things You Must Do After Installing Fedora 34" video, I did some changes these changes dnf.conf:

pranav@fedora /etc/dnf> cat dnf.conf

May want to look at filing a bug

For some reason, after reporting a couple of bugs in I don’t feel devs are as cooperative as I felt when I reported something in And dead silence and no response is a very discouraging factor. I think Redhat prioritizes BIG & Serious bugs and ignores smaller annoying bugs; as if Redhat prioritizes less Fedora.

But I could be wrong. Ubuntu is the enterprise-level product and Fedora is a community level. So, it takes time to understand and learn something. I will try to report as much as I can.

Reporting appropriately with a perfect error log and stacktrace/coredump is what’s important in any error report. And that’s what devs are always looking for. This is what is important and sometimes hard to get (for a normal user). The main thing is, dev needs to be a little collaborative in this process.

I hope I’m not offending anyone. I so far love Fedora. Excited about the upcoming F35.

it really depends on what software the bug is in, how critical it is, and of course on the maintainer and their availability. I think for a lot of Gnome/Workstation bugs, it’s best to report them directly upstream at the Gnome GitLab instance—since the Fedora desktop/workstation team follows upstream versions very closely. In general, tbh, if at all possible, it’s best to report bugs directly to the developers. Us maintainers will get notifications of all bugs, but a majority of us are volunteers, and bugs tend to get on our task list and if they’re not critical issues that make software completely unusable, we get to them when we manage to find the time (Fedora work is done in whatever time we have left after doing our day jobs and managing our personal lives).

Red Hat does nothing in terms of our packages, by the way. They back us with infrastructure, and we’re very lucky that they pay some folks to work on Fedora exclusively (both community and software/infrastructure wise), but Red Hat does not look after all the software in Fedora. The volunteer maintainers do.

I’d suggest you keep reporting them, and if you can help maintainers by providing fixes/patches that will be even better. In an ideal world, each package would have multiple maintainers (i.e., more maintainers than packages), instead of the current scenario where each maintainer has many many packages (i.e., more packages than maintainers).