How to get general icons for Libreoffice on Fedora 40/41?

I am using Fedora 40 and 41 on two machines. I am also using Libreoffice and I have the issue of recognizing working files (writer and draw, for instance) from publication files (pdf and png, for instance), since they are in the same icon format, namely a small image of their content.
Is it possible to get a generic icon for the LibreOffice files (that is, writer, draw…) so that I can distinguish them instantly from the other files?

In this screenshot, I have one file in generic format (CQIMB.odg) but exp_data.odg would be unrecognizable from exp_data.png (which I cannot show here) unless one check the file extension.

Than you

This same issue has been discussed here I think, maybe the solution works for you too:

Assuming you’re using GNOME and browsing the files in GNOME Files, this works as expected. And, as you’ve noticed, this is not specific to LibreOffice only, since the behavior is the same with picture files too.

What you can do, if acceptable, is to go with the smallest icon size in Grid View[1]. In this view, file previews are not displayed anymore.

  1. One can reach this by pressing Ctrl-"-", multiple times if necessary. ↩︎

I came across this very old post. You may want to give it a try.

Thank you, yes I have Gnome 46 but if I reduce the icon size I just get smaller previews. So is it no possible to deactivate the file preview? Why this does not happen with Ubuntu?

With the smallest icon size it should be working, at least it does on my F41 systems.

But if you are willing to disable thumbnails for any type of file, you can run the command below:

gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences show-image-thumbnails 'never'

For reverting to the default settings:

gsettings reset org.gnome.nautilus.preferences show-image-thumbnails

There is also an option not to generate thumbnails by LibreOffice.

Go to: Tools → Options → LibreOffice → Advanced. Click the Open Expert Configuration button, and search for GenerateThumbnail. The property probably has the value set to true, and by double-clicking it will be set to false.