hello, im looking for some advice with keepassxc and autotype on silverblue, i tried both installing via rpm-ostree and in my toolbox image and both are not able to autotype passwords, i am getting a message in terminator (via toolbox) Active window changed, interrupting auto-type.when i try using the ctrl-alt-v paste option but full autotype i get no response, even using the ctrl-alt-v option i cant paste
i am trying to use silverblue as my daily driver and apart from this i have found everything else to work as i needed
Have you tried the flatpak version? Autotype should work there.
yes i tried that as well, it doesnt work. this is the version i get the error Active window changed, interrupting auto-type
It is working for me. Have you tried to trigger auto-type manually using the corresponding entry in the database? Ctrl+Shift+V should also work. I am using Wayland.
maybe its how i am trying to use it, im running KeePassxc from flatpak on the host install of silverblue, i then run toolbox and run terminator, i then try to use autotype (no response at all) or ctrl-shift-v (Active window changed, interrupting auto-type.) on the terminator window.
i installed firefox in the toolbox image as well and i am seeing the same behavior, also the same in the base firefox, i cannot get it to autotype of paste passwords anywhere… strange
Same issue here. I can not get any sort of auto type response out of keepassxc on Fedora 31 workstation. Either flatpak org.keepassxc.KeePassXC or keepassxc-2.5.1-1.fc31.x86_64 installed through dnf. I do not even get that interrupting message. Just nothing at all seems to happen.
Have you found solution to this? I see it’s still a problem in f39 SB. I flatseal -allowed keepassxc access to ~/.mozilla… dir, and it creates the file correctly:
$ cat .mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/org.keepassxc.keepassxc_browser.json
"allowed_extensions": [
"description": "KeePassXC integration with native messaging support",
"name": "org.keepassxc.keepassxc_browser",
"path": "/app/bin/keepassxc-proxy",
"type": "stdio"
But that guides firefox towards proxy that sits in flatpak content, where firefox won’t reach. Also socket is there likely. I use keepassxc from fedora flathub.
If you have both of the applications as Flatpaks, that work flow is broken. The Flatpaks cannot talk to each other. If you have 1 from a .rpm and the other from a Flatpak it should work. Until Native Messaging is configured to somehow use Portals that would fix it.
The FF in silverblue is rpm, native, KeepassXC is flatpak in SilverBlue. It doesn’t work as keepassxc offers path for firefox to use, which is inside flatpak. I believe I should create wrapper script for firefox to call keepassxc proxy from within the flatpak, and put that into mozilla apps config file.
I was just hoping I could slack around and copy paste solution someone already figured out
If you go to the KeepassXC Github/ flathub github for KeepassXC, You might find such a script. You might also find that some flatpak solutions don not work after a reboot.
As FF is preinstalled as RPM, shouldnt layering KeepassXC do the trick?
I am not sure if autotype (different from native messaging with the Browser extension) works on Wayland, I dont think that is possible at all.
I removed fedora flatpak of KeepassXC, and substituted it with flathub flatpak, and then it worked out of the box. The flathub one puts the scripts and configs right out of the box.
Yes it would, but I avoid layering the rpms.