Kde connect problem?

hello, my kde connect can send files from my phone to the desktop. But if I send a file from the desktop to my phone, my phone can’t receive it???
I have Fedora with kde plasma desktop on my desktop. My phone is Android. I have set up the firewall as in the screenshot. But it still doesn’t work. I have the same problem with another phone too!!! Does anyone know how I can solve the problem? Many thanks

What type of file are you sending?
Do you see any errors on phine or fedora?

pdf,foto,Text Documents. there is no erros. on the Phon i see ( the Document is not recieved).

Thank You for Helping

I’m travelling and not near my kdeconnect host to test with.

What I have not tried to do is send a file to my phone.
I’m wondering if there has to be a app that the file is sent to?

You might get a faster answer if you ask on the KDE people here https://discuss.kde.org/

Thank you very much… I asked there and have not received an answer yet. Best regards

:slightly_smiling_face: Hello everyone, here is the solution for everyone who has the same problem!!!
From your mobile phone, first select the device you want to use to establish the connection. Then click on the 3 dots at the top left. There you select module settings. Then scroll down to the Publish and Receive point. This point is activated by default. The problem under this point still needs to be activated, so click on it and then click on Adjust target folder and then select the folder you want. Preferably on the internal memory of the smartphone. That is faster and better than an SD card.
Then everything will work very well. I hope you all have fun and all the best :slight_smile: See also my screenshots to make everything clearer… :slight_smile: