JamesDSP crashing all the time

Hi. Sound is not great on a macbook compared to macOS. I improved it a lot thanks to JamesDSP. But JamesDSP crashes every time a song switches so really often. Its a known issue but on their github thread, they just mention:

  • The processing thread of the app may have exceeded the maximum amount of CPU time allowed for a real-time thread on your system.
  • To fix: install the realtime-priorities package, add your user to the realtime group, and re-login. (see issue #155)

But there is no such package on Fedora. I have been told Fedora is already on realtime anyway. I cant find a fix for this (and dont know if this solution would work anyway).


  • Is there a solution to JamesDSP crashing all the time ?
  • Is there an alternative to JamesDSP ? According to the store, not really, and I absolutely dont understand easyeffects (not an equalizer ?)
  • Could I just use a tool or command to force JamesDSP to restart as soon as it crashes or is it a bad idea ? If possible, how ?

Thanks !

Hello. I know it’s been awhile since you posed this question, but your post helped me to resolve the issue, so I wanted to provide helpful feedback.

I am on Fedora 41. I installed the “realtime-setup” package, added my user to the “realtime” group with “usermod -a -G realtime username”, and logged out and back in. So far I’ve had no crashes.