Issues with my hard drives

Hey. Recently switched from Windows to Fedora. I’m having an issue with not being able to access my two other hdds, since my main drive is a smaller ssd I don’t want everything to be only on that drive. I’m not sure if I messed up something with my install as there is boot partitions inside one hdd but I’m just lost on what I should do.

All the hard drives show up like this, the bottom one is the ssd:

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Are they formatted with filesystems that Linux can access? The command lsblk -f might tell you what filesystems are on the drives.


Added windows-transition

Where the hdd encrypted with bitlocker?

Looks like they should be at least to me. Weirdly enough Steam and Dolphin both show one drive that has 1.9tb (both hdds are 1tb drives and ssd is 128gb)


Neither of the drives were encrypted with bitlocker.

Please paste the output as text using the </> button, preformatted text.
Screen shots are very hard to work with in cases like this.

Ah okay, here you go.

loop0   squash 4.0                                                     0   100% /var/lib/snapd/snap/snapd/21759
loop1   squash 4.0                                                     0   100% /var/lib/snapd/snap/core20/2318
loop2   squash 4.0                                                     0   100% /var/lib/snapd/snap/bare/5
loop3   squash 4.0                                                     0   100% /var/lib/snapd/snap/gtk-common-themes/1535
loop4   squash 4.0                                                     0   100% /var/lib/snapd/snap/gnome-3-38-2004/143
loop5   squash 4.0                                                     0   100% /var/lib/snapd/snap/spotify/76
loop6   squash 4.0                                                     0   100% /var/lib/snapd/snap/core22/1380
loop7   squash 4.0                                                     0   100% /var/lib/snapd/snap/steam/191
loop8   squash 4.0                                                     0   100% /var/lib/snapd/snap/gaming-graphics-core22/166
├─sda1  vfat   FAT32        AE18-9B18                             579,8M     3% /boot/efi
├─sda2  ext4   1.0          613c9fb6-f3fd-4ace-8ebc-9cdadd39279b  562,5M    35% /boot
└─sda3  btrfs        fedora 9d9b4c58-2ee0-455a-954f-932be439c585                
└─sdb1  btrfs        fedora 9d9b4c58-2ee0-455a-954f-932be439c585                
zram0                                                                           [SWAP]
        btrfs        fedora 9d9b4c58-2ee0-455a-954f-932be439c585    1,9T     1% /run/media/eemeli/fedora46

These are you other disk’s partitions.
You have btrfs on both, but they are not mounted, so you cannot use them.
You need to decide where you want they mounted and then add then to you /etc/fstab so that they mount on each boot.
Before you reboot test that you can mount you new mount points and fix any issues.

Three of your Btrfs filesystems show the same UUID. Have you extended your Btrfs filesystem across multiple devices/partitions? If so, that would explain why it is showing a size larger than that of any single device. It would also explain why you cannot “mount” the auxiliary devices. (They are actually mounted, but their space doesn’t show up separately. The space is all available under the / filesystem.)

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When I installed it prompted me to select the drives on which to install on so I selected all of them, so I would assume that is why it’s like this. But is there anything I really need to do in that case, if all the space is still available?

I wouldn’t say there is anything you need to do. However, I would caution that your current configuration is somewhat more “fragile” than it would be if there were separate filesystems on separate disks. It’s an “odds” thing. :slightly_smiling_face: Whatever the “odds” are of a single drive failing, the odds of any one of three drives failing is inevitably larger. I would recommend a healthy backup regime for such a configuration. :slightly_smiling_face: But there is nothing strictly “wrong” with the way you have formatted your drives. (Also note that the performance of read and write operations may vary widely depending on which drive is being accessed if their specs are not similar.)

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Ah I see. Well I’ll use it this way for now but forsure will back up my stuff regularly. Thanks!!