I spent quite a long time setting up my Mac keyboard as that’s preferable for me (for reasons I won’t waste time going into here). I used the Gnome Tweaks extension to swap ctrl and alt keys. I got everything working really nice on the mac keyboard, all shortcuts just how/where i want them. Then i took the laptop off the desk and used it somewhere else, and nothing’s working right, duh, I now realise why!! I am wondering if it’s possible to have two keyboards I can switch between in the OS, one with those many changes and custom shortcuts I set up, and the other as completely standard.
I see the option to add an input source, in settings>keyboard. But the customisations I made seem to affect all input sources.
I have English UK input source, it doesn’t look like I can add a second one as a duplicate, which I was hoping for. I tried adding English US keyboard (as that’s close enough), but if i choose that one, all my customisations still apply .
Is there any way to have two input sources, one with some custom shortcuts and one with standard/default setup?