Is it normal that the lockscreen takes 8 seconds to load?

When my laptop is in sleep mode and I press Enter to wake it up it takes 5-10 seconds to show the lock screen (I sometimes see a rectangle tty-like cursor while it’s loading) and another 3 to update the time from what was the last time when it went to sleep to the current time. I have a relatively modern laptop—Windows took 1-2 seconds for the same thing. Is it a normal delay?

It also randomly wakes up every 30 minutes or so when the lid is up (pretty annoying at night), but I also had this problem with Windows so I guess that’s a hardware issue.

Perhaps the logs show any helpful information? You can follow the latest log updates in a terminal like this:

$ journalctl --follow

and then initiate a sleep/wake cycle and perhaps anything interesting pops up.

Hmm it doesn’t seem to give away a clear cause, basically everything behaves quite slow around the wakeup period. There are some errors but i don’t think they are the kind that should normally delay the login screen.

Perhaps more people will see the logs and there will be some additonal insights into what may cause this.