what is the procedure to install Oracle VirtualBox on Fedora silverblue 41
Added silverblue
please read Install VirtualBox on Silverblue 36
- Install RPM Fusion
- rpm-ostree install Virtualbox
Added atomic-desktops, rpm-ostree, rpmfusion, virtualbox and removed gnome
That thread was mainly
- dont use Virtualbox if you dont need to (agree)
- there are people trying it and it doesnt work
- there are some solutions building kernel modules yourself etc
An updated user experience could be helpful
If there is a way to convert virtualbox machine images to qcow2 that would be useful.
I had a situation once where we were supposed to use Linux for something, and like I was on Linux, but that program was so messed up it didnt run and everyone had that strange OpenSUSE Leap Virtualbox image and it worked.
i was able to intall and use virtual box on silverblue 40 but it does not work on silverblue 41 . it says kernel drivers not available
Did you already add rpmfusion?
And yes, as it needs strange kernel drivers that always causes issues.
What do you need it for? I recommend virt-manager too.
You can import the images 1to1 from virtualbox into virt-manager.
Create new virtual machine > Import existing disk image > chose virtualbox image (vdi/raw).
source: see article above
In summary, VirtualBox is a user-friendly standalone virtualization solution with extensive operating system support, while libvirt is a versatile framework designed for Linux-based operating systems, providing better performance and integration options. Both technologies have their strengths and weaknesses, making them suitable for different virtualization use cases.
I prefer virt-manager too
i uninstalled virtual box as it required repositories to be installed. the reason i installed virtual box was for using ms office within windows vm. but i think with libre office i dont need windows.
my laptop gets stuck when i use windows
i will remove the rpm fusion as well .
previously on fedora i was able to install virtual box with shared folder access. but not now. however it is fine. i would not need shared folder access anymore as i realised i can do all ms office works with libreoffice and if there is any specific office feature not available in libreoffce i can add that with extensions
Oh my god this would have saved me so much time!
@saleel you can use shared folders with windows somehow. No idea never managed to do it. Windows runs fine in virt-manager.
rpmfusion serves a lot more packages than that, like essential media codecs to make the (really good) preinstalled Firefox play many videos
Hey hi, thank you. sorry for the late reply, i was away. I would now prefer installing ilnux related applications rather than windows. the only reason i wanted to install windows was ms office. now libre office offers the same options with extensions. so that is not an issue.
windows is good but it uses more resources than linux.