I am running fedora 40. When I am logging in using i3 the screen goes off. Do I need to install something else in order to use i3?
Does this post solve it? The screen goes black when using i3 in f41
No, the screen just turns off as if the system has been shutdown
You will need to tell us more about how you got to where you are and what system you are running. If you can tell us the full story probably somone can help you. Please include what you have searched and tried already.
So, I did try this post LightDM black screen after boot with Nvidia and i3 spin, this did not help as well. I did install i3 i3status dmenu i3lock xbacklight feh conky. Then I reboot and switched to i3 option in my login window and login then the screen just goes off, not even black screen it just goes off.
Install ‘sway’ and test it, it is the same as i3 but in Wayland. Not telling you to stay on it, x or Wayland is up to you, but test it.
for sway to work i need wayland window manager but i have x11 running, can you tell how can i change that?
You are not explaining much about your system etc, you will need to be more verbose to get much help in a forum system.
But however you are stating up press Ctrl Alt F2 to go to a new terminal login window, Login and
sudo dnf install sway
it should bring everything in for you.
then from terminal run ‘sway’
you are on Gnome 47, using Mutter windows manager. So you are already on Wayland.
I dropped the idea of using sway, i think nvidia is stopping me from actually running sway
Gnome is pretty good and full featured, it is a good choice.