i try to install i3wm but there’s no i3wm entry at login display(gnome fedora), and then i try to switch into fedora kde and i try to install i3wm im happy cz there’s a entry i3wm in it but when i login into that session all i got it’s just blank screen cant do anything (i try win+enter but nothing happen)
How do you install i3wm?
Also, are you an i3wm user already, or is this your first time trying out i3? The “blank screen” experience is typical for what you get with i3 or sway without a proper configuration and tools. I’d recommend trying the Fedora i3 or sway spin instead because they come with a working default configuration.
Sway is the “Wayland version of i3” (simply put), so If you’re new I’d recommend going for that right away.
Once you’ve decided i3 or sway is for you, there are ways to get the default config of the spins on a “Fedora Gnome workstation” or “Fedora KDE workstation”, too. But just for trying out the i3 and sway spins are easier.
I think this is an important part. i3 is a windowmanager for Xorg and it doesn’t run on Wayland which is used by the current versions of KDE and Gnome. It will probably be the simplest to use Sway when mixing with these environments.
@ardhan according to the i3 docs the default mod-key is alt, have you tried that as well?
When you get the blank screen, do you see a mouse cursor or nothing at all? In the latter case it means the setup is not working right.
Welcome to the forum Ardhan, I am sure you will get your problem sorted in no time
When you are on the Gnome login screen, do you see a little cog-wheel in the lower right hand corner? If I remember, that is where you select your session type.
I would suggest Sway over i3, as Sway supports Wayland. When I install Sway on my machines I do a bare install and then pull in Sway. This will give me a terminal at startup and I simply type ‘sway’ to bring up the windows manager.
Ardhan, can you describe your problem again? I don’t quite understand what you mean by
How are you switching into KDE?