I’m having some issues getting Nvidia driver (so far tested 470xx and 390xx) working properly on a Thinkpad W530 equipped with Nvidia Quadro K1000M.
The machine has no issues running with the noveau driver, but when I try installing any of the Nvidia drivers, does not output anything to the display after initial Fedora loading screen.
Rpm fusion repos are enabled, and installation of the drivers themselves work without any error messages.
I’m running Fedora 40 sway spin - some output below:
Is secure boot enabled? mokutil --sb-state will show that.
Are you using wayland or xorg? the nvidia 470 driver does not support wayland.
Please show us the output of dnf list installed \*nvidia\*
I believe I’m on wayland - sway is the wayland superset of x11 based i3 (if my very newbiesh search is correct). Checking it through below command seems to confirm that.
loginctl show-session 2 -p Type Type=wayland
Right now I’m running on nouveau. I had the blackscreen issue (alt-f2 still worked, however) so deleted the nvidia driver install through
dnf erase *nvidia*
Which reverted the system to a normal, graphics-outputting state. Running the dnf list installed command returns no packages (probably because I deleted them already).
Oh - so am I just facing off against limitations of older hardware?
If so, would you have a suggestion on what I might be able to do here? Maybe find an x11 based distro and sticking on this machine with 470/390 driver install… Or is there a somewhat new user friendly way to switch F40 to x11?
This was an error in that it would also remove the nvidia-gpu-firmware package which is required for many nvidia GPUs. That package should be reinstalled.
It would appear that you are facing the issue of older nvidia GPUs that require the 470 or older driver are not capable of working with wayland.
Thus if you wish to use the nvidia driver instead of nouveau you would need to either enable X11 in Sway (I cannot help with that) or switch to a spin that still has X11.
I believe i3WM is similar to Sway but has X11 (as noted by @hamrheadcorvette above), and most of the spins still do support X11 for now. You would have to decide which meets your needs then switch to that spin so X11 is available on the desktop.