How to Install Fedora 41 using Manual Partitioning and Encrypt the Installation?

So basically the thing is that I usually do a dual boot and install Fedora using manual partition on same nvme having a free space of about 100GB with the partition layout being

Role Filesystem Mount Point Size
EFI System Partition FAT 32 /boot/efi 1GB
Swap linuxswap swap 8GB
Root Subvolume Btrfs / 91GB (the remain space available)

But upon reading the Fedora Doc I switched to partition layout being

Role Filesystem Mount Point Size
EFI System Partition FAT 32 /boot/efi 1GB
Boot Partition ext4 /boot 1GB
Root Subvolume Btrfs / 98GB (the remain space available)

here i used 1GB for both /boot/efi and /boot as no recommended size was mentioned and removed the swap as Fedora does not use a dedicated swap partition instead, it uses zram.

Now if we do an Automatic Configuration Partition there is a toggle for encrypting the Fedora Installation but if we go via Custom Storage Configuration there is no radio/check for Encryption , so which of the above mentioned partition need to be checked or doing any other thing in order to have an Encrypted Fedora Manual Partitioned Installation ; not all partition have the Encrypt Check available next to Device Type Drop Down

Added anaconda

Select the / partition, click Modify... under Volume: and a popup should appear with a toggle to encrypt the partition.

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oh yes you’re correct, i tried going to/ Modify and under Volume and then under volume there was a toggle and password field to encrypt . And so as to check i did 2 installtion in boxes one using manual partition and an automatic partiton with both the encrypted and to my surpries the manual partition + encrypt same as automatic as seen using gnome disk