How to disable Nvidia dGPU and only use AMD iGPU on hybrid laptop

I looking to permanently disable my laptop’s RTX 3070 in favor of the AMD iGPU due to battery life issues.

I have attempted to use nvidia prime but from my understanding it is not compatible with wayland. I have also attempted to blacklist the nvidia drivers on boot.

Other than what was stated no other config changes have been made to the default install of Fedora 41.

Is there another way to disable the GPU that I am missing or is it not possible while still using wayland?

If you have not deliberately installed the proprietary nvidia drivers then nothing you do will disable them since they do not exist on your system.

The default drivers for an nvidia GPU in fedora are nouveau and those should be loaded automatically on a new clean install.

To find out if the nvidia gpu has drivers loaded you can use lsmod | grep nouveau

You can also use inxi -Gxx so see the graphics config.

The only way I know to disable a GPU would be if that option were available within the bios setup menu. You can prevent loading a driver but that may cause other issues related to graphics. No driver loaded does not mean ‘not powered’ but rather that the kernel may not communicate with that device.

On most laptops the default is to use the iGPU and the dGPU remains idle and unused for most apps that are not graphics intensive.

To give us some idea of the current status please show the output of
lsmod | grep -iE 'nvidia|nouveau'
inxi -Fzxx
dnf list --installed \*nvidia\*
cat /proc/cmdline

I just found a solution that allows for the usage of nvidia prime and implemented it just a few minutes before your reply. Though I appreciate nevertheless.
This is the program I used GitHub - bayasdev/envycontrol: Easy GPU switching for Nvidia Optimus laptops under Linux

I even had a link to envycontrol but since I never used it the utility slipped my mind.
Thanks for the information.

With enough reminders I may remember it next time. :upside_down_face: