is the default homepage on a fresh Fedora installation, it is the first thing that users sees when they open Firefox.
We’ve been working to revamp the design of the page and here is the resulting mock-up
I agree about too much empty space at the top. Mostly I will just move on to the next page I am going to without scrolling down, so more important info and commonly used links needs to be visible in the top part of the page.
I also think the “Start” is a bit unnecessary and does add a lot of blank space to the top.
The design elements look good to me.
The logo and “Start”: I think without the title will exist more blank space. Maybe using the logo with “Fedora” text in the top left corner, smaller, aligned with the other items on top and left will fit better, and since it will take up less space, the blue vertical space can be reduced, feeling less “blank”.
Title “Latest news from Fedora Magazine” under the articles. But this maybe will not fit very well.
I think this is a good improvement in look and feel, but it still seems a bit dry on content. The “Start” could be “Welcome to Fedora.” This is the first page basically any Fedora user is gonna see when they first install, so I think they should get the sense it’s a living, breathing community. The current mockup seems closer to a blog, which is not bad, but why not show some of Fedora’s guts at the same time, and also help out some of us poor devs who can’t keep close track of where everything is actually happening?
I drew a mockup just to show what I mean in terms of additional sections and their rough layout.
I also added the user banner in the thought that the user could additionally tweak what is shown here based on their needs/preferences. Finally, we could parse the User Agent for “Linux” for anonymous users and make gentle tweaks to the UI based on whether we think they have Fedora yet or not.
From the perspective of a new user (lets pretend I unboxed a new Lenovo with Fedora Linux preinstalled) I would say:
Title maybe “Fedora Linux, project news at a glance” (as there is a lot of empty space i probably would put it beside the new logo)
Header Menu: Help Forums > Sub link to “Ask Fedora” & to the landing page of “Lenovo, Fedora/Linux OS” help, and a fourth menu item who links to a Landing page who explains more about the Fedora Project.
The section title look good as they are, maybe adding a link and add alt/hover text who enplanes the link target.
As a new user I was missing an overview about the Project it self. helped me to see that Fedora Linux is not just a one man/woman show.
I’m just not sure, if is really the right presentation, specially thinking of people with screen readers etc.
I love it, especially the Solved issues column from ask Fedora, could be useful for when suddenly a bug pops up its head in fedora-land and there’s already a solution.
I am not sure of what is the communication guidelines that fedora wants to push, but You can use bigger horizontal sections and like the arrangement of the sections and background collors applying them to Dafrito’s sketch/arrangement content structure.
I am of the idea that It helps to provide a consistent look and feel on all the communication platforms.
Also, loose the rounded corners on the images. They feel outdated, not state of the art as we want to pass Fedora’s image.
Let me be honest here, it looks like a Drupal theme from 2008.
I don’t think this needs to be blocked on that, because that’s going to take a while. We can always revisit the theming and related choices to more closely match.
Is there a status update on this? It looked fantastic at the moment, but it lost track because the the website refresh, but not sure if they are taking care about it