you can use an online learning platform or make your own, you can have classes on irc and it can go from the basics to linux engineering, it can be taught by volunteers or staff and shouldn’t take too much time and money, and users can sign up via website so there can be some predictability in students
id personally like open source software that allows distros a more consistent and standardized teaching of linux and its distributions because there aren’t that many linux classes in colleges in the usa from my experience
Actually, the content on foundational and practical knowledge around Linux engineering is ample. Here is a source of go-to-places for tutorials and self-paced courses.
Industry best practices and latest trends: DevConfCZ, FOSDEM
It all depends on colleges in region. Linux is popular in European colleges. Regardless of distros, fundamentals don’t vary. To be fair, most fundamentals can be taught by good written material, not video.
That’s untrue. Visual content is heavy on resources and almost impractical to maintain the content (i mean update of video material);
You have to plan scenarios and curriculum
Write course script
Rehearse by sequence
Shoot scenes by sequence
Thumbnail and art work
Post-production: video and audio correction, transition
Due to polished professional content on internet, amateurism in video production will quickly turn to waste of effort.