Gnome 45 top bar | Activities Indicator

The top left corner, the task overview button looks awful. Is there any way I can revert the task overview button to what it used to be? I want the text back, not this stupidly modern white line.

I actually found this to be more intuitive ! The “Applications Button” did nothing but say Applications, while here you have a count of the Workspaces and a way to navigate through them.

But to your Question, I just through Gnome Tweaks and did not see any options to revert it.

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Welcome to Fedora @joshkkin
If you know how to use it it might be very handy.

At least that was it in my case:

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Added f39

I have question regarding scroll using mouse, why it doesn’t yield any animation of changing workspace? I am genuinely confused when it suddenly changes but no animation like using touchpad.

Is there any configuration to turn the animation on for this case of changing workspace using mouse?

Thank you

There usually are Gnome Shell extensions that allow to revert aspects of the shell:

It does, I’m trying to upload the animation but when you hover over it, or you use the scroll wheel the animation does happen at the top corner.

Did you enable reduced animations? That might be your problem. Once enabled touchpad has animations but when switching using the keyboard / mouse it doesn’t.

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