Welcome! As a new user, here is some guidance to get you started:
1. Guides for interaction with the forum site:
Please have a look at the post in the Start Here category, which explain in detail how to navigate the site. Quick highlights include:
2. Is your question already answered?
Before asking, quickly check this list of commonly asked questions. Maybe you will find your question already answered.
3. Welcome new users!
If you’re replying to a new user’s first post, feel free to add something like this to your post:
Hi @user, welcome to the Fedora community!
If you’ve not had a chance yet, please look at the #start-here category. It has some very useful information on using the forum and tips on Fedora usage.
4. There is no need to apologize for your language skills, even if you don’t feel perfectly confident.
Please do not worry about language errors! We’re a global community and English is not the first language for most of us . This is a multi-lingual site. Please post in the language of the category that’s most comfortable for you.
Of course, we do care about bad language . This is a family-friendly site, so please keep it clean.
5. Rawhide: for people who really do like the “bleeding edge”
Fedora as a whole works to bring software that is cutting-edge, but not “bleeding edge” — we want it to work for users without trouble. But, some people like to be a little more adventurous.
Rawhide is Fedora’s development area, where we work on the upcoming release. As such, it may contain experimental features, and some large changes may land before they’re really ready for end-user consumption. We try to make sure that it’s not outright broken through project tools like Rawhide Gating, but the fact is that it just might be.
So, while we might be able to help you with a problem on Rawhide, it’s also possible we can’t and you’ll need to dig yourself to find a solution. If you do find and solve a problem, your experience is welcome here in the form of a self-answered question, and you might want to share on the Fedora Development mailing list or in the Technical Contributors category of the Fedora Discussion Site.
6. Upcoming releases
New releases of the Fedora operating system come out twice a year, usually in late April and late October. Because the project is developed in the open, beta and pre-beta test versions are available long before that. If you’re using something that’s not been officially released yet, you’re probably better off filing bugs and working on the devel list than asking questions here. We won’t turn you away, but the answer might be “we don’t know — that’s not out yet!”
7. Support for Fedora EOL releases
The following releases have reached End of Life (or “EOL”), and are no longer maintained and do not receive any updates, so please update as soon as possible to a newer and maintained version.
Fedora works hard to make sure upgrading is a smooth experience, and while there are rare problems (it’s always a good idea to have backups!), in almost all cases you can start the process, go to lunch, and come back to an updated system.
Note that replies to this topic are allowed, so wording corrections and minor items can be easily discussed, but the replies are set to auto-delete after a week. For bigger items (new entries, discussion about policies), start a thread in the Site Feedback category.