The new Web-UI installer will be released earlier than I initially expected: it is aimed to have it already released as default installer for F39!
The goal is correspondingly to have a guide in the Docs before its release, even if the guide is not yet perfect: especially when Fedora has a new installer, users are more likely to search for a guide.
However, the new guide will be concise and its style will be more inspired by the 7-steps guide than by the past install guide.
Much of the new Web-UI is imho self-explanatory (it is comprehensible and simple). So readers of the guide will be more beginners rather than advanced users, and I expect beginners to rely on default configurations. Thus, I intend at the moment not to make a strong elaboration of Blivet (to customize partitioning) but only go to the point where the user gets a screenshot of blivet and what it is. I will expect that the audience of the guide will focus on defaults, and that users who customize partitioning are themselves able to understand the meanings of btrfs, ext4, and so on (in the end, Blivet is self-explanatory to people who know about file systems and such). At some point, I might add links to upstream docs for advanced users once available (e.g., for blivet). For users who customize (and who thus already have knowledge about partitioning and such), this type of docs is likely to be more helpful anyway.
It’s thus mostly to give users security and confidence when acting/installing, to give initial guidance and to provide an overview of what can be done in which stages, not to answer sophisticated technical questions on themselves. This is also easier to maintain over time.
However, the first question is: where to place it?
First of all, please let me know if anything I propose here conflicts with ongoing Docs plans. Consistency is gold in documentation.
I suggest to place it (comparable to the old install guide) at “Fedora Linux” → “Fedora User Documentation”. At this place, I would put it in between “Getting Started” and “System upgrade”. If necessary, I might adjust the end of the “Getting Started” page to seamlessly transition to the install guide. Alternatively, do you prefer if I place it not next to “Getting Started” but within “Getting Started” (which means next to “Fedora Downloads” within the “Getting Started” sub-category)?
The guide will be focused on Workstation for now, but since the graphical installations of editions/spins used to be comparable, I tend to NOT put it to the “Fedora Workstation” category. The latter is maintained not by Docs but by the Workstation WG anyway (afaik this is still true?), and since the Web-UI is the official installer beginning with F39, we can expect that it will also help users of other editions/spins, whose users could miss this supporting guide when it is placed in “Fedora Workstation”. At the moment, Web-UI seems released only with Workstation, but it is a matter of time until it will be introduced to other editions/spins as well.
Once Web-UI is also applied to other editions, I tend to add some boxes or comments at places where other editions differ (and if possible, also for the KDE Spin and Kinoite given their widespread use) to generally serve users of major editions/spins (except if you want to create separated guides for other Editions/Spins?).
Let me know your thoughts (especially if I shall place the guide somewhere else, if you prefer another structure/content or if you want to create separated guides for different editions/spins). Nothing is fixed yet.
I will check out the most recent version of Web-UI somewhen this or next week and in parallel create the guide. My plan is to get it done during September (I try to be done by 22nd Sept.). Since this is a major change, I will let you know once I have a draft to allow the possibility to review before I merge it to the published pages.
I will keep this topic updated about the development and about where to find current drafts. I will also monitor it for incentives.
Related GitLab ticket: Create Web-UI-based Install Guide (#6) · Issues · fedora / Fedora Docs / Docs Website / Fedora Docs Website · GitLab
@ngompa I have seen that the current F39 nighty build (20230904) of KDE still use the old Anaconda. I assume this will remain in the F39 release? Just to know how to consider and elaborate KDE in the guide in advance.