I just installed fedora, but after I updated my system, and get the new kernel, Fedora won 't boot with the new kernel, only with the old one! I made screenshots from the error messages!
PCIe device [8086:a0bc] is found on many Acer systems.
These messages should be available in text form using journalctl in a terminal.
When reporting a problem, you need to provide details sufficient for others with similar hardware to reproduce your problem(in a form that can be found with web searches):
Which Fedora “spin” did you install?
What hardware are you using? A minimal description of the hardware can be obtained by running inxi -Fzxx in a terminal and pasting the output text as pre-formatted text (using the </> button from the top line of the text entry panel).
Do you dual boot another OS?
Is your system (including vendor firmware) fully updated to current versionsof al packages? For firmware, try sudo fwupd get-updates to list available updates, or search vendor sites.
Original poster should make an effort transcribe the relevant portions of images so we don’t have to guess which are 0’s and which are O’s, 1’s verus l’s, etc.
Which Fedora Spin: KDE Plasma
What hardware: Asus x415 EA laptop (I will past soon the text)
Dualboot: Yes, with windows 11!
Firmware: As far as I know, it’s updated, but I try the sudo fwupd get-updates command:
And this error is only appear with the newer kernel, but with the older one, it’s boot without any error!
As far as I was capable converting the first boot error images into text format with windows snippint tool and powertoys text extractor, and put the section to the correct place:
Mounting sys-kernel-config.mount - Kernel Configuration File System …
[ OK ] Mounted sys-kernel-config.mount - Kernel Configuration File System.
[ OK ] Started plymouth-start.service - Show Plymouth Boot Screen.
OK 1 Started systemd-ask-passuord-plymo.quests to Plymouth Directory Watch.
[ OK ] Reached target paths.target - Path Units.
[ OK ] Stopped systemd-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup.
Stopping systeml-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup …
Starting systemi-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup …
[ OK ] Finished systemd-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup.
pcieport 10000:e0:1c.4: PCle Bus Error: severity=Uncorrectable (Non-Fatal), type=Transaction Layer, (Receiver ID)
pcieport 10000:e0:1c.4: device [8086:a0bc] error status/mask=00200000/00000000
pcieport 10000:e0:1c.4: [21] ACSViol (First)
[ OK ] Stopped systemd-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup.
Stopping systeml-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup …
Starting systemd-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup …
[ OK ] Finished systeml-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup.
Please check and post a correct version of the pcieport error messages – the “error status” may confuse some look-alike symbols. Accuracy is important to make this topic visible in internet searches.