Fedora newbie struggling to get .deb file open

Hello! I’m extremely new to Fedora and am attempting to get steam and other relevant programs on my new computer. When I go to install Steam it is downloaded as a .deb file, which Fedora seems to struggle with - I open it, and the default Software program stays stuck on this screen:

What can I do? I have very little knowledge of the terminal and how to use it at this present moment, be warned.

First .Dep file is debian based and ubuntu

Fedora uses RPM

Third did you enable third-party repositories on first setup?

If so you can install steam just typing sudo dnf install steam

Easy way also is to use software manager/store/app center to install apps as flatpaks to start and when getting used terminal and commands you can switch easy

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ah, that worked! tyvm

i might be late, fedora does not use deb, deb is a foreign format used on ubuntu/debian distros, look for rpms designed for opensuse/fedora, thanks.