Fedora Deepin Spin

first of all i know that you can install the deepin interface through an ISO netinstall.

It would be cool if there was a Fedora spin with Deepin Desktop with the apps and the Deepin store pre-installed, it would be really cool.

Spins are generally a community effort, looks like there is a SIG (special interest group) if you want to get involved and help to make it happen:



I don’t know anything about programming, but if I can help with something, I’m a graphic designer

You could help translating it to Portuguese

I only speak Portuguese, here I am using Google Translate

Using and giving feedback is also a good way to contribute. According to their wiki page, they don’t have a mailing list yet, but you can still install various Deepin apps from Fedora repos and give feedback on Github, Bugzilla, etc.

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great thank you
I was already feeling useless :sweat_smile: