So ein paar Anmerkungen zu den Spins

Hello to the developers of Fedora 41 Spins. I tried out the different spins from Fedora .1 to Cinnamon, at the end when the update was done, at the end when the script was set up! At the end it gets stuck. 2. The installation manager is a bit too complex. If you uninstall a software, mmmm how!? All in all, a great idea, and now I’m trying out the LXQT…

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Would you mind translating your topic heading into English? Danke.
May I even suggest to move this topic to The Water Cooler until you have a specific question we can help you with?

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Thank you for the answer. Unfortunately I have to find my way around here. Brand new


Are you talking about dnfdragora? Because yeah, I don’t like it either. I would recommend Discover instead (run sudo dnf install plasma-discover kf6-kirigami-addons kf6-kitemmodels kf6-purpose).