Fedora 39 should have waited one more day for release

Congratulations on the release of Fedora 39!

However, I must say you could have waited one more day.
Right out of the box, Fedora Workstation had to:

Install 10 Packages
Upgrade 404 Packages

Total download size: 655 M

See Fedora Workstation 39 = OOTB Updates - Pastebin.com

And Fedora KDE Spin had to:

Install 7 Packages
Upgrade 431 Packages

Total download size: 706 M

See $ sudo dnf upgradeWe trust you have received the usual lecture from the loca - Pastebin.com

That’s a lot of needless bandwidth

Those updates are because F39 has been in final freeze since 2023-10-03. The purpose of the final freeze is to thoroughly test the final release image. Rolling in all those updates would require starting that process over.


Oh. OK…,

To circumvent this you can use the smaller netinstall image which downloads the latest packages during install. After install, your system is up to date.

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I’m aware of that. I’ve actually been running F39 for several weeks.

I was just curious as to what the out of box experience would be for the final release, so I installed it in a virtual machine.

With every release version, once the release is frozen, the packages continue to be updated, just not included in the image put onto the ISO.

Thus when one installs from the released version there is always a significant update waiting to happen as soon as the install completes.

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That wasn’t as true with Fedora 38.

That is true for every Fedora release, including F38. While in freeze, package updates are not pushed to stable repo (queued in updates-testing), but released on release day. That why there are so many.

Your existing F39 install should have seen the same batch unless you enabled updates-testing before release day.