I’m working Remote (RedHat) on my Fedora 38 Laptop. For like forever after opening couple of chrome Tasks, running thunderbird for my mail and maybe a Video Conference my Fedora really slows down like hell, in the way working is no fun anymore. Unlike some of my co-workers I won’t switch to a MAC because I’m a linuxer with all may heart and a real Open Source enthusiast. I tried a lot. Also my my laptop is not showing much activity with commands like “htop/top” or **sudo ps -aux during the work. I have been experienced that now for a long time, also with my predecessor laptop on Fedora 26-32 and I’m really have no clue anymore how the solve that. My Hardware is really new with an Intel(R) Core™ i7-10850H CPU @ 2.70GHz CPU (12 Cores) + 32GB RAM.
When one is working graphically thru a remote connection the network may become overloaded and slow down all communications.
You have said that this has persisted for some time, and one should know that streaming video requires a larger communication pipeline from the internet. Please tell us the bandwidth of your internet connection that seems to be slowing things down.
I found that streaming even one youtube video required at least a 50 MB/sec connection and more does also require more.
no with remote did I mean I have a Remote Contract, I#m working from home but not via a Remote Connection. I use the laptop quite normally, mostly Chrome and Thnderbird and Google Meet or Blue Jeans for Video conferencing. Sry for the confusion. My Interconnection is per contract 100Mbit/s, in real roughly 90 - 95Mbit/s
One would need to first do a full upgrade so the system is fully up to date and any bugs that have already been fixed are no longer a concern. sudo dnf upgrade --refresh
Then please post the output of inxi -Fzxx so we may see the configuration.
Finally, please explain in a little more detail what is meant by ‘slow down’