(Ben Cotton)
Here’s the agenda for the meeting 2022-06-15T18:30:00Z . No unhandled issues are tagged for the meeting.
- Announcements
- Previous action items
@bcotton to close F34 release notes issues
@pbokoc to finally add a relnotes guide to the contributor docs
@pboy to update the docs team page with his revised content
@bcotton to draft Docs Team Charter
- Docs revitalization
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(Ben Cotton)
Minutes and full logs are available on Meetbot.
- We want to start producing regular CommBlog posts to highlight work we’re doing and attract new contributors
- pboy and mateusrodcosta are ready to begin doing work on the content plan
Action items
@pbokoc to finally add a relnotes guide to the contributor docs
@bcotton to draft Docs Team Charter
@darknao to configure the remaining repos in GitLib for CI