(Ben Cotton)
Here’s the agenda for the meeting 2022-04-27T18:30:00Z. No issues are tagged for the meeting.
- Announcements
- Previous action items
@bcotton to create docs-fp-o issues for repos to migrate to GitLab
- [done] @pboy to open issues against fedora-web/websites for docs visibility and put the links in the thread so Docs contributors can help implement
- Check-ins:
- Open floor
If you have anything else to add to the agenda, please reply to this thread!
(Ben Cotton)
Minutes and full logs are available in Meetbot.
- The improved visibility of docs will go live on getfedora
- We’re ready to start moving forward with the content plan
Action items
@bcotton to create docs-fp-o issues for repos to migrate to GitLab
@darknao to merge the websites PR that adds Docs visibility
@pboy to schedule office hours for the content plan