Disk replacement silverblue and system migration

I just received a replacement (larger) SSD for my Silverblue laptop. I was going to simply tar up /var/home to an external drive, reinstall F31 Silverblue on the new ssd and then untar /var/home. Does anyone see any gotchas with this seemingly simple procedure?

As always, make backups first. That being said, I think that should be OK.

You should probably record which system Flatpaks you have installed before switching and I would suggest either ignoring user Flatpaks & user container images (toolboxes) when creating the archive or doing some cleanup beforehand to avoid copying unused stuff.

You could connect the new SSD, create a /var/home partition, mount it as a temp mount filesystem, then rsync everything across to it. Or do just what you thought, tar it up then untar it into the new one. Rsync has archiving, de-duplication capabilities and compression too. It’s a pretty snazzy tool. If you use the rsync method and copy /var across with something like rsync -Cavz oldvar newvartempmnt you will get all of /var which includes home and installed systemwide flatpaks, plus all user dotfiles, secrets, etc…

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Ah… Merci! Did the SSD upgrade with not a single issue. The existing toolboxes, containers, flatpaks… everything is working exactly as expected.

Hi, could you please expand on which exact solution did you use and how? I’m trying to do the same so it would be very useful.
