2019 container sig meetup

Hi, we’ll be having a meetup of our container sig on

Let’s discuss about topics we want to bring to the meetup.

I think here are a few topic :

  • Removing /fxx/ namespace and how we version/tags the containers
  • State of CI, what currently works and what needs to be improved
  • Bots ( How can we reuse some of the bots developed by Red Hat in Fedora)

From top of my head:

  • take a look on a update workflow(bodhi, overrides(rpms and containers), security updates), invite bowlofeggs(if he is around)?
  • automatic dependency rebuilds
  • co-operation with FCOS, infra sharing?
  • resources for the milti-arch OSBS clusters

Another few things that came in my mind today :

  • Remove the Fxx namespace
  • Migration of current content if we move to
  • Enable to build software that are not packaged as rpm (container first) → recent update from the council encouraged this.
  • Bodhi container updates should show pull url for the images from candidate registry to simplify testing
  • Container test day???

Thank you for such wonderful suggestions!

I’m sorry I didn’t have any time to spend to prepare the meetup. I hope it’s fine if we just go for the meetup using this thread and do notes in wiki. Or here.

Notes of the meetup were recoreded here Etherpad Mozilla