Konflux meetings, every other Wednesday

Over in the Konflux community, we’re going to start holding a sync call every other Wednesday about the Fedora instance and any Fedora + Konflux topics. Details can be found at Let's start a Fedora SIG by ralphbean · Pull Request #7 · konflux-ci/community · GitHub

We’ll continue to use containers-sig for async communication.

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The first meeting was today (recording, notes)!

Thanks for recording/notes. I love you all, but 5am is a bit harsh for a
meeting for me. :wink:

It’s asking me to request perms for the notes… which I did, but if
there’s nothing closed in there, could you open up sharing on it?

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We talked again today and the conclusion was to (of course) send out a survey to collect preferences from everybody interested.

Can you fill out these two please?

Finally did so. :wink:

Hopefully some of those times work for everyone.