Citrix Workspace setup on Fedora Silverblue

Hi All,

I would like to change from Fedora Workstation to Silverblue because it’s more innovative but before it I have a problem to solve with Citrix Workspace which is needed for my daily work.

For setting up Citrix Workspace I tried to follow the following instructions:

I downloaded Citrix Workspace as an RPM package from the official Citrix webside and installed it with the rpm-ostree command but the certificates should be also added and rehashed. The problem is that while on the traditional Fedora Workstation the needed folders take place under /opt/Citrix/ICAClient, in Silverblue it is just a link and it takes place under the /usr folder which is read-only thanks to the immutability of Silverblue so I can’t add and rehash the certificates there.

Did any of you face such an issue and know how to solve it?

Many thanks,


I too face this problem and I’m eager to see if others have discovered a solution.

Generating an rpm file from the certificates helped but it’s not an easy solution.

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I use this script to install a local RPM into a toolbox container.



# Create container

echo -e "\n## Create $NAME container\n"
toolbox rm --force $NAME || true
toolbox create $NAME
RUN="toolbox run --container $NAME"

# Install additional applications required by Citrix Workspace

echo -e "\n## Install $NAME tools and applications\n"

APPLICATIONS=(libsecret \
              gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free \
              gstreamer1-plugins-good \
              gstreamer1-plugins-ugly-free \
              gstreamer1-vaapi \
              gstreamer1-plugin-openh264 \
echo "### Installing applications:"
for app in ${APPLICATIONS[@]}; do
  echo -e "\n--- Installing $app ---\n";
  $RUN sudo dnf install -y $app;
  echo -e "\n--- $app installed ---\n";

# Install Citrix Workspace from RPM (in same directory as this script)

echo -e "\n## Install Citrix Workspace into $NAME\n"

$RUN sudo dnf install -y $PWD/ICAClient-rhel-

# Create the Desktop entry for opening *.ica files.

echo -e "\n## Create Citrix Workspace desktop entry\n"

echo -e "\
[Desktop Entry] \n\
GenericName=Citrix Workspace \n\
Name=Citrix Workspace \n\
Exec=toolbox run --container $NAME /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/wfica -geometry 1600x900 %f \n\
StartupNotify=true \n\
Icon=$PWD/citrix.png \n\
Type=Application \n\
Terminal=false \n\
Categories=Office;Internet" \
> ~/.local/share/applications/wfica.desktop

# Exit after installation

echo -e "\n## Completed installation of:\n"
for app in ${APPLICATIONS[@]}; do
  echo "--- $app";

My issue is that I can’t get the sound to work but not sure if this is related to installing in a container or “just because”.


I think the easiest is to replace the /opt/Citrix/ICAClient symlink with an actual copy of what it points to.

So, this works for me swimingly on Kinoite except that I cannot start the app from the .desktop menu item.

I can do a toolbox run --containter=citrix /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/wfica <filename> after trying to launch a session from my CAG, and that works just fine. But CAG isn’t detecting that its installed.\

Any suggestions?

Thank you Jack! This helped me to launch Citrix on Fedora 40 Kinoite!

I changed the first line here below and added one more to expose the application icon for the desktop:

$RUN sudo dnf install -y $PWD/ICAClient-rhel-*.x86_64.rpm

$RUN cp /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/icons/receiver.png $PWD/citrix.png

To configure extra drives, I use: toolbox run --container citrix /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/util/configmgr -icaroot /opt/Citrix/ICAClient .

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I haven’t used this toolbox for over a year now so not the best person to ask. Looks like @rriemann has the answer though in the following post. Hope the helps and glad the original (and revised) script was useful!