Unfortunately, even after several reboots it does not switch to nvidia. On the boot screen there appears something like ‘no nvidia kernel module’ or so. The modules are definitely there
secureboot is disabled. I had no problems with nvidia on Fedora 31 on this machine. I just saw a thread on the fedora-developers-list titled ’ Nvidia binary drivers fail to install on Fedora 32’. I’m not sure if this is related to the situation here. I ran the nvidia-bug-report.sh but the log is fairly large and I don’t know what to look for.
I would like to ask wuqso are you sure that you have nvidia running on your machine or is it nouveau, i.e. what is the output of ‘lsmod |grep no’ and ‘lsmod |grep nv’.
Success! After reinstalling xorg-x11-drv-nvidia* and xorg-x11-server-Xorg it is working. I guess the de-installation of fedora-nvidia, bumblebee and bbswitch wasn’t clean.
Yes, I also guess that the de-installation of bumblebee and bbswitch wasn’t clean (the howto’s at rpmfusion seem also mention this). So I did a clean installation of the F32 and the nvidia driver.
In fact, I have removed xorg-x11-drv-nouveau. In fact, the default installation of mesa and nouveau make my screen nearly freezing after booting. After installation of nvidia driver at rpmfusion. The freezing disappeared and I then removed the nouveau driver.
I just installed F32 beta LXQT on a laptop with optimus (nvidia GT 550M + builtin intel).
I installed the nvidia driver 390xx according to the Fedora docs. Fiddled with Nvidia Prime whole day and no success, probably because 390xx series has no Prime support according to Howto/Optimus - RPM Fusion. So, bumblebee and bbswitch is necessary for users like me to use optimus.
However, I then found bbswitch does not run and then googled and found this thread. Is there any direction for filing a bug?