Yesterday, I did a dnf update on my laptop that runs Fedora 36. During the dnf update, I saw abrt reporting many crashes. When I now try to boot the laptop, it does not fully boot. I see many services with red warnings, but scrolling goes to fast to really read them.
The screen of the system stays black with a blinking cursor in the upper left corners of the screens. I tried to ssh into the system from another computer, but the connection is closed. I can ping the system however.
How can I somehow get into a shell to do some investigations? Can I retry the dnf update? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.
Update: I’m booting now in user mode level 3 and completely in text mode. I do get a prompt to login as well. However when I try to log in, whether as root or regular user, I immediately get the login prompt again, so I still cannot investigate the issue further.
Update2: For some reason the /usr/bin/bash and /usr/bin/sh files were corrupted, causing all type of strange behavior. Currently, I’m trying to reinstall all packages to get a decent working system again.
Update3: My laptop works again. This is in broad lines what I did to solve the problem.
I booted the system from an USB stick with Fedora workstation. I created this USB stick with Fedora Media Writer.
With Disks (gnome-disk-utility) I unlocked the LUKS disks of my laptop.
I make a backup of the unlocked partition with rdiff-backup. rdiff-backup gave warnings about the file system.
I did an fsck and of the partition. There were errors. I let fsck repair the file system.
I mounted the de disks of the laptop roughly following these instructions on order to be able to chroot into the system.
When I tried to chroot into the disk, I got a segmentation fault, if I remember correctly, so I copied the /usr/bin/bash and /usr/bin/sh files from the Fedora installation on the USB stick over these files on the laptop file system.
The system still did not start well (I guess there were more broken/corrupted files), so I reinstalled all packages, roughly following these instructions.
After this the laptop works completely fine again.