I updated my fedora 37 using “sudo dnf update”.
Everything seemed to go well, it finished updating and said completed, but i didn’t get the prompt to type a new command in the terminal which usually happens after updating.
I also wasn’t able to open any application after the update, and there was only a logout option in the power off menu.
The logout option didn’t do anything. so I had to perform a hard shutdown.
Now the system doesn’t boot from any of the available kernels.
They all get stuck after this message
[ OK ] Reached target initrd-switch-root.target - Switch Root.
Starting initrd-switch-root.service - Switch Root…
[ 5.606573] systemd-Journald[301]: Received SIGTERM from PID 1 (systemd).
I tried to chroot from a live environment, but I get the following error
[liveuser@localhost-live ~]$ sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt
[liveuser@localhost-live ~]$ sudo chroot /mnt
chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: No such file or directory
I tried some solutions for this error, but nothing was successful.
Just for future reference. Never interrupt an update since it probably is doing something in the background and a forced power off may break the system totally if you interrupt a write process. I have had systems take 10 minutes or more to do the full update before control is returned to the user. The fact that the prompt did not return should have been your first clue the system was still processing the last command.
Your situation is a perfect example of what not to do, and why.
Fedora uses btrfs for the / file system and mounting is not as simple as mount /dev/sda6 /mnt
In the live image system run lsblk -f to see all the partitions and their UUIDs.
The partition that shows as btrfs on the system drive should contain both / and /home as btrfs subvolumes and you will need to make note of the UUID for that partition.
Then to mount the / file system the command would be mount -t btrfs -o subvol=root,compress=zstd:1 UUID=<uuid seen above> /mnt which should then give a properly mounted root file system at /mnt.
I don’t like updating with gnome-software because it’s really slow for me, sometimes it takes like 15min just to fetch updates even though I have decent internet connection speed.
But it seems safer so I’m gonna stick to it in the future.
My approach might be wrong here, I’m trying to reinstall the kernel.
I followed the steps you provided to chroot into the file system and got the following error:
[liveuser@localhost-live ~]$ su
[root@localhost-live liveuser]# lsblk -f
loop0 squashfs 4.0
loop1 ext4 1.0 Anaconda 8fe0120d-7a70-4e73-8185-f8521c2529e0
├─live-rw ext4 1.0 Anaconda 8fe0120d-7a70-4e73-8185-f8521c2529e0 1.4G 81% /
└─live-base ext4 1.0 Anaconda 8fe0120d-7a70-4e73-8185-f8521c2529e0
└─live-rw ext4 1.0 Anaconda 8fe0120d-7a70-4e73-8185-f8521c2529e0 1.4G 81% /
├─sda1 vfat FAT32 54BA-EB04
├─sda3 ntfs 8ECEC03BCEC01CF9
├─sda4 ntfs 62F23C26F23BFCBB
├─sda5 ext4 1.0 6370c3c1-d199-487f-b31d-1934752e89d7
└─sda6 btrfs fedora_localhost-live e445a94a-f877-4da7-b5e2-655dd8deb0c5
├─sdb1 ntfs Data 7A7099F27099B4FB
└─sdb2 ext4 1.0 FedoraHDD 8d6ed568-3490-4a7c-8c55-cb59b8abeaac
├─sdc1 exfat 1.0 SK 4E21-0000
└─sdc2 vfat FAT16 VTOYEFI B228-8EFB
zram0 [SWAP]
[root@localhost-live liveuser]# mount -t btrfs -o subvol=root,compress=zstd:1 UUID=e445a94a-f877-4da7-b5e2-655dd8deb0c5 /mnt
[root@localhost-live liveuser]# for dir in sys proc run dev ; do mount --bind /$dir /mnt/$dir ; done
[root@localhost-live liveuser]# chroot /mnt
flatpak: error while loading shared libraries: /lib64/libzstd.so.1: file too short
[root@localhost-live /]# mount -a
[root@localhost-live /]# ls
afs bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 lost+found media mnt nix opt path proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
[root@localhost-live /]# dnf reinstall kernel\*
Bus error (core dumped)
I just tried to check coredumpctl for core dumps and I got this error
[root@localhost-live /]# coredumpctl list
coredumpctl: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/systemd/libsystemd-shared-251.11-2.fc37.so: file too short
[root@localhost-live /]# ls -l /usr/lib/systemd/libsystemd-shared-251.11-2.fc37.so
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 0 Feb 7 18:05 /usr/lib/systemd/libsystemd-shared-251.11-2.fc37.so
I tried to replace the file but I got this error
[root@localhost-live systemd]# cp libsystemd-shared-251.11-2.fc37.so /mnt/usr/lib/systemd/
cp: error writing ‘/mnt/usr/lib/systemd/libsystemd-shared-251.11-2.fc37.so’: No space left on device
I think powering off your machine corrupted the file system.
In the screenshot above, look at
1.123966 VFS Cannot open root device UUID=…
1.133991 Unable to mount root file system or unknown block.
The fastest and safest would be to reinstall Fedora.
In future, when upgrading with dnf, run it in a screen or tmux session. That way, when Gnome Shell crashes, it won’t take down the upgrade process. When running the dnf upgrade in gnome-terminal and that window crashes it interrupts the upgrade process and leaves the system in an undefined state.
It is worth mentioning that a corrupted file system can do that. Your btrfs file system seems to be full even though it should not be. Powering off while the system is writing during an update can make the file system appear full with unlinked btree pointers.
I would concur with @augenauf in that a full reinstall into partitions sda5 & sda6 would be best.
You might be able to recover your home data by mounting that subvolume then copying all the content to external storage before the reinstall.
You could, while booted to the live install media (and not in the chroot environment), mount the /home volume with
[root@localhost-live liveuser]# mount -t btrfs -o subvol=home,compress=zstd:1 UUID=e445a94a-f877-4da7-b5e2-655dd8deb0c5 /mnt
then /mnt should contain the same as /home on your running system and the content could be backed up (read but not written to). Once that was done then using fdisk to delete /dev/sda5 and /dev/sda6 would free up the space to allow a reinstall.