Currently experiencing some issues with my Momentum 3 headset on Fedora.
When I set the mic input to come from the headset, it has an awful buzzing noise.
Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
Currently experiencing some issues with my Momentum 3 headset on Fedora.
When I set the mic input to come from the headset, it has an awful buzzing noise.
Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
I haven’t had any buzzing noise in my Sony XM3 or Bose 700 over-ears — although I usually use A2DP and let my USB webcam be the microphone, as A2DP is much, much better than HSP/HFP. (This is an issue with how the Bluetooth audio spec is implemented, not a limitation in Linux.)
That said, I quickly switched to HSP/HFP with my Bose 700 headset in the sound page of GNOME Settings and — while the audio quality was noticeably not as good — I didn’t hear any buzzing.
I’m on Fedora 36 Beta, using Pipewire 0.3.48-1.fc36, but 0.3.49-1.fc36 is out which includes multiple Bluetooth audio fixes for headphones.
What version of Pipewire and Fedora are you using?
Here’s how to check both:
rpm -q pipewire
grep PRETTY /etc/os-release
Pipewire 0.3.49 is currently in testing for both Fedora 35 and 36 and will be available within the next few days. (Meanwhile It’s possible to grab it from testing too, if you feel adventurous.)
Hi Garret,
thank you for your reply.
I’m on Fedora (Silverblue) 35.
PRETTY_NAME="Fedora Linux 35.20220330.0 (Silverblue)"
I’m tempted to boot into a live Fedora system to see if it’s fixed in Fedora 36 beta.
I booted up Fedora 36 beta on my computer and unfortunately didn’t have any success
Oh that’s a bummer that it isn’t working for you. I hope it’s fixed soon.
I found a bug that sounds similar to yours, but with a few different other headsets:
Thanks for the link, I added to the issue tracker
@bobymcbobs: You probably saw the message on that other issue that it looks like a kernel bug — specifically this one:
(HSP/HFP mSBC profile broken with QCA6174 )
I’m posting it here mainly for reference for others who might be following along, hopefully preventing xkcd 979 for someone.
Also, it’s important to note: There’s a proposed patch and it looks like it’s getting worked on for inclusion in the kernel. It’s been reviewed and adjusted a few times and it’s up to revision 4… So hopefully it’ll be fixed in the next version, which should hopefully make its way into Fedora (and everywhere else) soon.
Thank you for the links @garrett.
I’m looking forward to Luiz’s patch to fix the regression to be merged and available in Fedora.