Black screen after GRUB on AMD desktop with all kernels later than 6.2.15 on F37 and F38; (no nvidia; KVM switch in use)

The kernel is the same. So it can still apply.

It does not necessarily apply to all nvidia cards. Also, there might be differences in configurations and especially driver versions. If your nvidia works fine without the noted issue, ignore the nvidia issue stuff :wink:

Indeed, the logs you provided are from a 6.3.5 kernel. In this case, it could be a different issue. Or alternatively, F37 behaves different with the same issue than F38 (or some other software/hardware).

I have currently no time to tackle another issue, but when skimming your log, I see drm issues, which was also the origin of the nvidia problem.

With this in mind, I suggest to test the kernel 6.3.6, just to see if it maybe also solves your issue before putting more work in that than necessary: Please read my explanation in the other thread carefully: this one. However, the bodhi link I provided in the other thread does not apply to you. The page for you is: (since you have F37, and the other user F38). The dnf command I referred to in my explanation shall appear on that page in 1-2 days.

If that does not solve the issue, please file a bug report, which I also explained in the other topic (here). Please read carefully what information you need to provide (and add the journal log!). If you opened a bug report, please post the link to the report here.