@rkoppelh It seems that the fix for your issue has been already put into the new kernel 6.3.6. There are no further reports necessary. It was only necessary to know if the issue you experienced has been solved by the experimental kernel, which it has if I understood you right. Also, with regards to the bug report, please keep focused on the very issue.
If you want, you can contribute in bodhi to test the new kernel (6.3.6) to ensure that the issue is gone once you update next with dnf:
→ if you want to help verifying that the issue is solved, keep watching this page. Once all automated tests are successfully conducted, the status will be set to testing. Then, below the “Reboot required” comment in the top, there will be another line with a dnf
command, which will be sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=<hash value>
→ then, with this command, you can install the 6.3.6 kernel and test if it boots properly and if the issue is solved as expected. It will work as usual with updates.
If so, you can login to bodhi with your normal Fedora credentials, and at the bottom of the page, you can add your results. You can then see there three options to add results (positive & negative each): Karma, BZ#2211784, regression. Unless you want to enter into regression testing, please leave the regression status neutral. If you “play” with the kernel just by working with it in order to see if everything works fine with it, you can add Karma if you want (Karma = generally working). Most important in your case: BZ#2211784 is the bug you reported. With this option, you confirm that the bug is solved or not. If the kernel works for you without causing the issue you reported, then add here a thumbs up. If it does not solve the issue, thumbs down. Obviously, in your case with BZ#2211784, a positive Karma would imply a positive answer to BZ#2211784
Once sufficient people have tested the new kernel (and at the best if some confirmed that the issue BZ#2211784 is solved within that kernel), it will be pushed to stable to then end up in the usual daily updates.
You do not need to paste your results here, only in bodhi.