Beginner GTK - Installation on Fedora 34-36

One of the main reasons I chose Fedora is to get help with GTK. I have been trying for a year and a half to install GTK and run it, first attempt on Windows 10, then Fedora34 and Fedora35. Many tutorials, docs, and instructions I have followed. I came closest recently with a tutorial by Michael B. on YT on how to install GTK4 on Mint. I figured, ‘how different could Mint be from Fedora?’
I learned a lot and NO regrets. One issue is that Mint and Fedora installation of GTK use the same dependencies but a FEW of them are named differently. When following Michael’s tutorial, setting up the environment with nano, meson, ninja, etc… went perfect, so no problems there or so I think. :confused:
All needed libraries are installed in my system, but when compiling and building Cairo, Meson / Ninja could not find the following Run-time dependencies: expat, lzo2, libspectre, poppler-glib, and librsvg-2.0. (Fedora versions are all installed) By comparing to other libraries, I discovered that Mint and Fedora have a FEW differences in naming convention. For example, libpoppler-glib used on Mint is basically the same as poppler-glib on Fedora. Credit to the system of setting an environment with Nano / Meson / Ninja, most of the needed libraries where found and a couple which were not in my system were actually downloaded and installed. HORRAY! :smiley:
Having exhausted my current understanding, I seek help closer to the source of development of such software

Hello @clinton2022 ,
I don’t think I am getting what your asking.
On Fedora Linux Workstation, if I was to want to install GTK4 I would type sudo dnf install gtk4 in a terminal. Possibly I would also do sudo dnf install gtk4-devel. And very likely, depending on what it was I was trying to do there would be a handful of other libraries to install to get to a usable dev stack.
Also, this looks good for GTK4 dev in Fedora


Using dnf, I have known that gtk4 is installed with Fedora since last fall. I installed the gtk4-devel today, so both are installed, according to the package manager. I have spent a year looking for a way to make desktop shortcuts and for some applications I can do it, but how to make a desktop shortcut for GTK has not been found by me. I heavily searched GTK, Fedora, and other websites, as well as video tutorials, yet I keep looking hard. While developing a tutorial or written instructions, teams routinely forget that beginners want GTK and need added information, being that GTK and Fedora are outside the mainstream in a few ways.
Another issue is that I want to use Code::Blocks to help with GTK and C learning. Code Blocks must be tied to the environment container around GTK, so they will integrate. Michael B. has a fine set of tutorials on YT on all of these issues, but it is Mint based and does not work for Fedora because some of the libraries are the same yet have a different naming convention for Mint. I set up the environment with Nano, Meson, and Ninja. All my dependency libraries are installed, according to dnf. At some point, the build process breaks because the set environment does not find already installed library dependencies, though MOST of them it does. :upside_down_face:
:person_shrugging: At least I am learning much and slowly progressing. :person_raising_hand:
I might need to install Mint so I can use the tutorials of Michael B. Yikes. Spending hundreds more hours in researching and working to have a running GTK on my desktop is NOT an option.
Thank you, for the help, Stephen, but perhaps running GTK on Fedora is esoteric enough to block this beginner. NO REGRETS! :grinning: I learned much which I would not have learned otherwise at this stage of my growth.
Thank you

GTK is an API. Gnome Toolkit. To use it on Gnome desktop is as simple as using Glade for the UI parts and then whatever IDE (Codeblocks in your case I guess) you want to write C with. Builder by Gnome is a good alternative for an IDE to do work with Gnome and GTK4.

I will try that. Thank you!

I installed Builder by Terminal and will work with it as part of my GTK toolset. There seems to be plenty of information for a beginner to use it. I like how Builder is designed to be integrated to git natively, so I can learn proper version control and organizing other issues such as documentation, bugfixes, plugins, and so forth

Thank you, very much, Stephen!

You’re very welcome Clinton.