Background noise when recording or speaking

Audio listening is fine, audio recording is not. Each time I either record or actually talk my voice is mixed with a lot of background noise…I changed microphones to check if the issue was with them but it seems that it is the laptop and not the mikes since nothing changed when changing mike. It also happens if I don’t use a mike
Any help appreciated

There are two things at play when recording audio. The recording software, and the microphone.

Some software (for example on most mobile phones) filters out background noise. I believe other apps like Skype and Zoom do that too.

There is quite a lot of audio recording software on LInux, it can be a very powerful platform for professional and home audio. Different software packages can do many things for you, such as filter different frequencies.

Microphones come in many configurations for different purposes. For example condensor mics are used in studios and are sensitive to picking up all sounds. Dynamic mics are not so sensitive and are used on stage. The Types of Microphones & Their Uses (When & Why) | LedgerNote

What software are you using? Why are you recording audio?

What microphones have you used?

Thanks for your reply
I have had to record messages on telegram from my Asus laptop (ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. X555LD, Intel® Core™ i5-4210U × 4, Linux 6.11.5-300.fc41.x86_64).
So I used the telegram audio interface. This is happening for the first time with this laptop and OS.
I used both the built in laptop microphone as well as the microphone that comes with my headset (I used 2 different headsets)
I also recorded a short speech from Zoom and although the background noise has desappeared, it is very difficult to understand what I was saying.
On the other hand I had a brief conversation via internet and was also told that there was a lot of background noise while talking but they could understand what I was saying…

I’ll have a think about it more, and others may chime in. If you want to sink some money into it a USB Audiobox and a dynamic mic would help.
For now, you could try out Easy Effects to filter certain frequencies (probably higher frequencies) to see if that helps.

sudo dnf install easyeffects