Auto-close Ask topics after x months?

There seems to be a consensus that old threads should not be resurrected.

Discourse is not really helping here, as it often recommends them, even if the default sorting is “latest”.

Ask is a category where topics dont autoclose yet.

Is this dependend on the creation date, or the last interaction (post, tag, edit)?

What does “reset bump date” do?

Should we auto-close Ask topics after a few months? How many? 13, like a Fedora release? Or 6, after the last reply?

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6m from last reply if setting available. If not, then 12 months from first post.


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What I really want to do is automatically move them to an Archive category.[1] In theory, that would give a lot more flexibility than just closing them. But, unfortunately, there isn’t a Discourse Automation script for that. I keep hoping they’ll make one, but maybe it’s time to stop waiting.

Yes, there’s a last-reply setting. I kind of feel like 6 months is a bit too short — I don’t want to hide things that might apply to the current release. Especially if they’ve got a solution.

  1. This doesn’t change the links, so it won’t break anything. ↩︎

Should we auto-close Ask Fedora posts after some amount of time?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Don’t care.
0 voters
How long should we wait after the last reply? (Pick all that you are ok with)
  • 1 month
  • 6 months
  • 7 months
  • 12 months
  • 13 months
  • 24 months
  • Don’t auto-close!
0 voters

This would only apply to Ask Fedora and Ask in Other Languages, BTW.

Also, if you have a different suggestion for auto-close time, feel free to comment. I felt like the ones I provided cover most of the bases, though.