I just had 42 unread only 1 was not closed.
Is this supposed to work this way?
I just had 42 unread only 1 was not closed.
Is this supposed to work this way?
Hey @grumpey I hope I didn’t trigger something else in the system. I was closing topics that were without comment and over a year old.
The steps were to query Post that were without comment and over a year old. My process was to close them and Reset the Bump Date. I was following if they came up as Latest, Unread or New. For me they did not. I apologize if they did for you and others, and will refrain from doing this in the future.
Again, My apologies, I understand how workflow - breaking that can be.
No worries, I just wondered what was going on.
Could you describe them? Did they have comments or no? My query was very specific, as I did not want to bring up Post that would re-ping anyone in the post already.
I thought Resetting the Bump Date would avoid this.
They did not have comments and were fairly old.
Maybe setting a new auto-close flag on those topics instead of manually closing them would not have had the bump effect?
The closing action probably triggered notifications because of the setting in Preferences → Tracking → Consider topics unread when they are closed, which is on by default.
I appreciate the comment here @tqcharm
I grossly misunderstood how people interact with the forum, set up notifications, utilize the front page and title bar “Latest, New, Unread”. Workflow is everything in my world. people utilize these tools very differently and have different workflows for devices they use.
The notifications being set up for specific topics, alerts and other tools is important to the support volunteers. This is a BIG fat L for me here. I apologize profusely to those who are affected, but the L doesn’t have to be a Loss, it is also a L for learning. I’m inclined to reach out to Mods and other support volunteers to learn about how they use the forums. Devices, notifications and other tools .
I’ve been directed to RTFM of the Discourse Forums,
Seeing as I’m a Docs-centric person, I kinda failed in that department too. . I’ll do better.
Don’t give up!